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Our Logic and Rhetoric students have the opportunity to participate in the New Mexico TeenPact program to learn about their state government. Logic students will attend the one day State Class which is an action-packed day full of exciting experiences that introduce students to their state government using a dynamic, hands-on approach. Rhetoric students will attend the four day State Class which is a dynamic, hands-on leadership experience where students learn about state government from a Christian worldview. Students gather at their local State Capitol to run for student office, participate in a mock legislature, and learn about how they can be effective leaders in their community back home. This is an excellent opportunity to put their reasoning and writing skills to use outside the academic setting as they engage with other teenagers in this forum. 

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Student Senate

Our 6th - 11th grade students are all active members in our Student Senate. The Student Senate works to coordinate student events and service opportunities such as picking spirit dress-up days, planning school parties, service in the school and community, etc. Elections were held at the beginning of the school year and officers were elected. 


Congratulations to these two students for being elected officers. 


Ashland Siddall, Chairperson

Abigail May, Secretary

2024-2025 Bible Theme Verse

Each year our students and families vote on a bible verse they think will serve best as our "theme" verse for the school year. This year's verse is Romans 12:2 and will serve as the theme for each of our Chapel services. 

Community Service

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16


VCCA considers service to the community as important as the curriculum taught in the classroom. Students and faculty participate in community service projects twice a year and our upper-level students are required to complete 70 hours of community service in order to graduate.

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